Baby Rejects Bottle at Daycare

Choosing the Right Baby Bottle for Daycare

One common concern many working parents face is when their little one begins to refuse the baby bottle at daycare. A change in environment and routine can often result in the baby rejecting the bottle, which can be worrisome for parents. However, with the right strategies and tools, such as choosing the ideal daycare bottle, this issue can be addressed effectively.

Why Does a Baby Reject a Bottle at Daycare?

There are several reasons that might cause your baby to reject the bottle for daycare. Babies are creatures of habit and often resist changes to their accustomed feeding routines. Moreover, they might feel uncomfortable feeding from someone other than their primary caregiver, making it hard for them to adjust to bottle feeding at daycare. It’s also possible that the baby bottle used at daycare feels different from the one used at home, resulting in the baby rejecting the daycare bottle.

How to Address the Issue of Baby Bottle Rejection at Daycare

Overcoming the issue of baby refusing the bottle at daycare can be a daunting task. However, with the right approach and persistence, your baby can be guided through this challenge. Here are some strategies you can employ:

  • Duplicate home feeding experience: Try to mimic the bottle-feeding experience your baby is used to at home as closely as possible in the daycare setting. This might involve using the same brand of bottles, the same nipple flow, and the same feeding techniques.
  • Gradually introduce the daycare bottle: Start introducing the new bottle at home before it is time for your baby to start daycare. This will enable your baby to get used to the new bottle in a familiar environment, reducing the likelihood of rejection when at daycare.
  • Choose the right daycare bottle: It’s crucial to select a bottle that is most similar to a mother’s breast, such as the closest to breastfeeding bottle, since this can offer your baby a more familiar and comfortable feeding experience.
  • Work closely with the daycare staff: Support the daycare staff by providing them with information on your baby’s feeding habits, preferences, and routines. This can equip them to recreate the comfortable feeding environment your baby is used to.

Choosing the Right Baby Bottle for Daycare

Choosing the ideal bottle for daycare is vital to mitigate the issue of baby rejecting the daycare bottle. A well-chosen daycare bottle that closely mimics a mother’s breast can make your baby’s transition to bottle feeding at daycare smoother. Here are some important features to consider:

  • Shape: The natural latch baby bottle is designed to closely resemble a mother’s breast. Thus, it may be more readily accepted by your baby.
  • Material: Bottles made from materials such as silicone that feel soft and skin-like can be more comfortable for your baby.
  • Nipple design: Choose a bottle with a nipple design most similar to the mother’s actual nipple. This can make the baby more willing to accept the bottle.

The Experience of Other Parents

Understanding the experiences of other parents who have faced the issue of ‘baby bottle daycare rejection’ can be helpful. You can take inspiration from their approaches and solutions. Real-life experiences shared on platforms like Reddit and pregnancy forums like What To Expect can offer valuable insights and practical ideas.

Dealing with Baby Rejecting Bottle at Daycare

Proactive Measures to Prevent Bottle Rejection

In addition to choosing the right bottle and working closely with daycare staff, there are other proactive measures available to prevent bottle refusal. By implementing these strategies, you can make the transition from breast to bottle as smooth as possible for your little one.

  • The nursing mother should be absent during bottle feeding: If the mother is not around during bottle feeding, your baby is more likely to accept the bottle, as sometimes, babies refuse the bottle when they smell, see, or sense their mother nearby.
  • Introduce the bottle when the baby is most relaxed: Times like after a nap or gentle play may be the best times to introduce or reinforce the bottle.
  • Use a training bottle with a Breast-like nipple design: A training bottle with a breast-like nipple design that promotes a similar latch to the natural one can help in the initial transition from breast to bottle feeding.
  • Try different feeding positions: Different feeding positions can be tried. For instance, a position where the baby’s back is towards the caregiver’s chest or where the baby is upright may work.

This Issue is Not Uncommon

It’s crucial to understand that breastfeeding babies refusing the bottle in daycare is neither uncommon nor an indictment of your parenting or the daycare’s caregiving. Many parents and caregivers have dealt with and resolved this issue with patience, creativity, and determination. Finding support in resources such as advice from lactation consultants, real-time experience-based blogs like Feeding Littles and even asking questions on platforms like Quora can be useful.

Patience and Consistency is Key

Like many parenting challenges, the key to dealing with bottle rejection in daycare is patience and consistency. It can be heartbreaking and stressful to see your baby unhappy or having difficulties. But remember, your child is experiencing a significant shift in their routine and environment. It will take time for them to adjust. Keep emphasizing the positive aspects of bottle feeding and reinforce them at home. Your effort, resilience, and determination will pay off, and your child will eventually overcome this hurdle.


Undeniably, having a baby reject the bottle at daycare can cause immense stress and worry for parents. But with the right strategies, patience, and consistency, this issue can be resolved effectively. By understanding why babies refuse the bottle, choosing the right daycare bottle, and being proactive in preventing bottle rejection, you can make the transition to daycare smoother for your baby and less stressful for yourself.

Strategies for Dealing with a Baby Rejecting the Bottle at Daycare

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